Monday, 17 May 2010

Online Hypnosis

As we are both university students in our final year (exam time...yay :-| ) we've been apart for a couple of weeks and still have a little while till we are together again, we often utilise the wonder that is Skype to stay in touch on those long, lonely evenings. A few evenings ago I brought up the idea of trying some online hypnosis and L was game so we gave it a go. I had been getting together and memorising a magnetic hands induction. Well no so much memorising, just making sure that I would remember to get in all the bits that I wanted to, setting up the expectation correctly through a good pre-talk etc. This was less for the benefit of L and more with a view to my planned hypno exploits with friends and impromptu sessions in the future.

I went through my spiel, and right enough she was under within 30-45 seconds. She actually started going under before I had reached the end of my planned spiel, but I guess I shouldn't complain at that too much :P. I could see that the trance she was in wasn't particularly deep, but I kind of expected that with it being our first session without any physical contact. Once again I tried my old nemesis, the 'stuck' suggestion, once again I had no luck. I have resolved to master it at some point in the not too distant future! Moved onto arm catalepsy, had reasonable success but L was soon able to break free. I have started to notice that L is developing a 'Ha, didn't get me that time' face, this of course just spurs me on to succeed the next time!

What I have learnt so far, is that L responds much better to mental commands. Whether it be a change of emotion, convincing her that she was actually the best hypnotist in the world (this was actually the funniest thing I've witnessed in a long time so will save it for a blog post all of its own) or slight amnesia. I decided to go with a number blank suggestion, the number in question being '3'. Having watched a few YouTube clips of this recently, I had picked up a technique that involved saying the 'number between 2 and 4' instead of directly referring to the number '3'. I had brief success but the number '3' quickly popped back into her mind and so I moved on.

I am developing a real love for L's expression when I give her an amnesia suggestion and she goes looking for the information needed in her brain, finds it but then simply can't express it. For this reason, I decided it would be fun to remove my name from her mind. I then proceeded to chuckle away to myself as I watched her try to say it, all the while teasing her about how the information she needed was on the tip of her tongue but that she wouldn't be able to say it. I then allowed her to have my name back but took away her own. The teasing continued but this time in a 'you've had that name for 22 years and you can't remember it' kind of way. She loves it really. :P

Afterwards as we were doing our usual 'hypno debrief' L informed me that she was finding it very hard to reach any decent state of deepness. The lack of good visual, auditory and physical contact are not a good combination. I have no doubt that people achieve deep levels of trance through the use of internet alone, but I guess it's just not the way for us.

As much fun as out short online session was, I think we'll stick to real life hypnosis from now on!



  1. Watching people's expressions as they realise that the hypnotic suggestions you've given them have taken effect can be priceless.

    Try giving her tourettes sometime, or having her mind go utterly blank, or have the process of trying to think of something cause her to grow aroused and watch for the reaction.

    Good to see another blog on the go!


  2. Em and I have done a little bit of hypnosis over the net and by phone; we're both convinced that it's far far better in person.

    So when do we get to hear L's version of events? ;)

  3. Who knows! She is a very busy lady at the moment but hopefully she'll have a bit of time in the next couple of weeks to post up about her experiences while she's tranced. I may have to suggest a desire to blog next time she's under :P.

  4. Text using bold to do analog covert work with embedded commands works like butter on toast.
