Wednesday, 4 August 2010

My first post

I thought it was finally time to write a post of my own! I’m even newer than J at this whole blog-posting thing so please bare with me. For now I’m just going to do a brief overview, so lets start at the beginning. Regular readers will have read about most of this before, for that I apologise.

When J first told me about his thoughts on trying hypnosis I was eager to try it out though never thought it would work, and wasn’t sure what we could really do with it. Little did I know.

Our first time we went through a long induction and J tried to get me use to the idea of my subconscious taking over, he managed to get my arm to lock, so it couldn’t move. It felt so strange because no matter how much I tried I could not get my arm to move, I was completely in his control. I think this really made me believe that J could hypnotise me and I was then ready to try much harder things. As the night went on he managed to get me to do all sorts of things, I remember laughing at a few of the suggestion thinking there is no way this will work, then the next thing I know I’m doing it, without a second thought. I think this is where I started to understand about the subconscious, it really did feel like I had no control and that my body was just taking over.

Even though this was such a success, there was one problem we had and that was getting my hand to stick to things.

We decided to go to a hypno meet in town to speak to other people who can and have been hypnotized to help us fine tune what we were doing. For me the main thing I wanted to know and that was how it works for them. There was one guy there, Parkey, who had been hypnotized and I found it really interesting and reassuring speaking to him. He told me that it took him a long time to do the harder things like forget, this made me feel better as I was worried I was just faking it as the harder bits weren’t working. He also helped me get ‘stuck’ to things, he told me to stop think it wasn’t stuck and just let it happen. And what do you know, it did happen.

Since then we have really started to progress, linking commands and trying to forget for longer. One way we are trying to do this is by J trying to talk to the subconscious, his thought is by speaking directly to her she can help him to make me forget. This is proving hard as my subconscious doesn’t like to speak too much, but we have created different ‘characters’. These are sometimes people J makes up, for example Frankie, who is a stripper but then there are ones that come more from me like Tirixie, who is, lets say, my naughty side. For me these characters seem almost normal, they take over; speak differently and, I’m told, kiss differently but for some reason this doesn’t freak me out like you might think. In fact, it’s the opposite - I quite enjoy it. The one thing I did find strange is one night J told Trixie to make me forget what we had just done, he told her to put the memories in a boat and push them over a cliff. When this happened I was the one in control but I heard Trixie laugh in my head! This was the first time I really thought of us as different people, and I think now from here she can start to become more apart from me hopefully making forgetting and more fun easier.

Hope you enjoyed my first post, I’ll try and get some more detailed posts up soon.


[J] - More to come about Trixie, Fankie and co. from me soon.


  1. Thank you for sharing. My wife and I use hypnosis as well, and I have *never* been able to get her to forget. Information, numbers, or what happened in the trance, or what's going to happen with the post hypnotic suggestion. Good luck on that. I look forward to reading more about your experiences.

  2. First of all, sorry if this response is read strange, because my native language is not English and I am using a translator.

    To Anonymous:

    That problem is very common, since many people are afraid to lose those memories. What I suggest to my hypnotic subject is to enclose the memory in a bubble or sphere. Touching this area, you can remember what I forget, but when released, returns to forget the memory. And when I want to recover the memory, the area is opened and the memory returns to normal memory.

    For L and J

    their experiences are very interesting and I learn a lot from reading you.

  3. hey L do you like anime because your name is the same as one of the main charecters in death note

  4. Thank you for the replies everyone.

    Alexander, we used your bubble idea a few weeks ago. We had some success with it, hopefully we'll be able to get a blog post up about it in the not too distant future!

