Friday, 8 April 2011

Hello Again

It's been a while since there was anything new posted on the blog. A very long while in fact.

Life has been rather hectic and we haven't really had much time to do any hypno fun, thus not much to write about. While we still love doing hypno, we've been learning some new bits and pieces that have taken up any free time we've had to get up to naughtyness. There are two aims to this post, firstly to share the few bits of interesting goings on that are hypno related since our last post. Secondly, to remind myself just how much fun hypnosis is and spur me on to trance Elle more regularly again.

So, interesting hypno related stuff since our last post. Elle's subconscious popped out for a brief chat. Something that we tried so desperately hard to achieve in the past but her subconscious never really wanted to play ball. This time during a pretty deep trance I asked her to come out and have a chat, next thing I knew, this character that I hadn't seen before said 'Hey'. At this point I should probably explain what I mean. Those who have read the other posts on the blog will remember my post about Trixie - Elle's naughty, submissive side. She is obviously still very much Elle but there is a marked change in Elle's behaviour and mannerisms when Trixie is at the forefront. The character that came out this time was equally as naughty, apparently far less submissive, completely sex mad and seemed very assertive. A lot like Elle in her everyday life, just amplified!

While Elle is very submissive to me and in certain aspects of her life, she is equally able to kick ass and put people in their place if needs be - especially at work. Elle's subconscious seemed to be more this side of her personality. She knew what she wanted (sex), when she wanted it (now) and exactly how she was going to get it (nakedness combined with 'come hither' eyes). Surprisingly enough, it worked. Topping from the bottom if I've ever seen it :D.

Was this really Elle's subconscious? I don't know. Is there anyway to prove it either way? I guess not. Elle herself had doubts as to whether this was just Trixie playing games. I don't believe that to be so as their demeanour was so different but this then opens up the can of worms of what actually is Trixie, a play act by Elle/a part of her personality expressed through a character/a figment of her subconscious/a character created by my suggestions/the many other possibilities. What I love about Trixie is that she has developed as time has gone on. She seems to be able to take more complete control of Elle's body and mind than she used to. She's still very much Elle though, just with bits of her enhanced and bits of her removed.

I digress, what else have we been up to of any particular hypnotic interest... I've found a new love for hypnotic sex dolls. That was probably spurred on by watching some of Lex's (of Entrancement infamy :P ) hypno p0rn. Watching Elle's mind slowly melting away, lose control of her body and becoming completely pose-able is always fun. Always. Watching her lie there completely helpless and immobile allowing me to do whatever I like to her, how I could I not like it?!

And now to the second part, to spur me on to doing more trancing. I think I just accomplished that by thinking about Elle as a sex doll. More than that, I really want to accomplish something new with hypno. Mainly, I'd like to induce amnesia properly and really get Elle to become unaware of her trances. I think my inability to do so was one of the main reasons why we stopped trancing so much. It seemed that everything knew we wanted to do involved some form of amnesia. When we couldn't get it to work we just stopped working at it. Hopefully I can report back soon with a success story!



  1. thanks for the update, really love reading your blog. It's a treat in my Google Reader when they appear :-)

    Will definitely be interested in how you guys overcome the amnesia issues!

  2. Thank you!

    We have a hypno session planned for tomorrow night and if it comes to fruition should be a good piece to write/read about. Hopefully all goes to plan!

